Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly, rationally, and objectively and to understand the logical connection between ideas. It’s an active rather than a passive process. Because it requires System 2 (conscious) attention, it doesn’t come naturally to us and it isn’t easy.
In some instances, we equate difficult with boring. In fact, after reading the short paragraph above, you may already be bored. Critical thinking? Who cares and why bother?
Well, for one thing, it’s possible that improving your critical thinking skills might help you become a better person. But more importantly, it might help you get more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. That’s because good critical thinking skills are essential if you want to master the art and science of change. And unless you master the art and science of change, you’ll continue to be stuck with whatever the status quo happens to be—or become.
On the BIAS
We all view what happens in the world and what happens to us through our own individual perspectives (our mental models). That means we are all biased.
Here’s an easy way to remember bias:
Beliefs and Values
Beliefs are ideas or principles we have come to accept as true.
Values are our personal principles or standards.
Interpretations are explanations or understanding.
Assumptions are suppositions: what we take for granted or assume.
Stereotypes are generalizations and oversimplifications.
All of these elements operate in the background (System 1) so we aren’t usually consciously aware of them. Being biased is the normal state of affairs. We don’t have to make an effort to be biased. We have to make an effort to become aware of our biases so we have a fighting chance to act in our own best interest rather than automatically.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the human condition is that we think of the conscious part of the brain (System 2) as “I.” Yet it’s the biased unconscious part of the brain (System 1) that usually runs us. It takes no time or effort to come up with a System 1 reaction or response to a situation, question, or event because System 1 is fast, vast, and always on.
As Daniel Kahneman says in Thinking, Fast and Slow:
Everybody recognizes the difference between thoughts that come to mind automatically and thoughts that you need to produce. That is the distinction.
System 1 has an answer for everything. And its answers are correct often enough to lull us into accepting them unconditionally most of the time. But you’re not going to get change from System 1; you’re going to get same old/same old.
In addition to understanding our own biases, we also need to develop the capacity to know when it’s OK to go along with System 1’s response and when it isn’t. Well-developed critical thinking skills can help us make important decisions and solve significant problems by allowing us to effectively evaluate both the information at hand and the “intuitive” suggestions spontaneously arising from System 1.
Do I need an umbrella?
If you look outside and observe rain falling, you could safely jump to the conclusion that you need to take an umbrella with you when you go outside. You would not increase your chances of making the best decision by checking the weather report on your smartphone (getting more information) or analyzing your interpretation that rain falling means you’re likely to get wet if you go out in it.
How much does the ball cost?
On the other hand, you may not want to count on the first response that comes to mind as an answer to the following question:
A bat and a ball cost $1.10.
The bat costs one dollar more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost?
If you jump to the conclusion that the ball costs 10 cents, you would be wrong—no matter how confident you might feel about your conclusion.
That’s because if the bat costs one dollar more than the ball and the ball costs 10 cents, the bat would cost $1.10 for a total of $1.20. So the correct answer is that the ball costs 5 cents and the bat costs $1.05 for a total of $1.10.
Did you do the math, so to speak, or did you jump to the quick—and erroneous—conclusion? If you jumped to the wrong conclusion, how confident did you feel about your answer? And does it make you feel any better to know that between 50% and 80% of college students also come up with the wrong answer.
My answer to bat and ball was wrong.
My thinking: The bat costs $1, ball 10 cents. Add them together, $1.10. There you go, look, the bat costs $1. I skipped over the vital word: more.
I have made thousands of similar-looking calculations in reality, mostly when shopping:
I want to buy x, y and z. If I buy x, is there enough money left for y and z?And so on. Never. do I consider how much MORE x costs than y?
What’s interesting is that, through constant repetition, a *method* for calculating has entered my system 1.
Graham, yes! Constant repetition determines so many of the methods System 1 uses to interpret, calculate, and decide. And even if the results are wrong, we rarely question the methods.