I train people who are up to something
to master the art and science of transformational change so they can
create consistently satisfying and meaningful lives and
make the difference they want to make in the world.
Learning how the brain works is fascinating. But the realization that some of the things
I have
always struggled with can be improved or achieved is also a really big surprise.
As a result of
Farther to Go! I’ve changed the way I look at life in general.
I’m much more interested in
how I operate. —P.M.
This stuff really works. It's changing my life.—A.S.
Introductory Workshop Series
Art & Science of Transformational Change
What is transformational change?
Why is it possible but not probable?
Why is creating significant, sustained change so difficult?
These three workshops have been designed to provide answers
to those questions, but they are guaranteed to lead to many more questions!
To get more information about a workshop, click on the title.
To get contact information for workshop facilitators, click here.
Each informational five-hour workshop includes a pdf booklet of 20-25 pages.
Taking them in the order listed will provide the most value.
Meeting of the Mind (& Brain)
The next Meeting will be held on either:
Tuesday, Oct. 29 or Wednesday, Oct. 30.
6:30-8:30 pm MST
topic to be determined
Check lucidwakings or this page for updates.
No cost.
Virtual meeting.
Advance registration required.
Since the language of the brain is neurochemical, Anatomy of Desire
focuses on how the brain maintains or modifies the status quo
via three different sets of neurochemicals related to disliking, liking, and wanting.
The workshop consists of two parts, one informational, and one experiential (hands on)
that takes you through a process you can repeat on your own.
Saturday, August 31
9:00am to 4:00pm MST
Registration link